Hello, It's Me Again!

It's been more than 4 years since my last post.

Just a quick update: remember that job I told you about? It only lasted a year. I loved the people I worked with and its location (only two train stops from home) but the company was too small and I couldn't help but thinking I wanted something more. I made another jump to another company in September 2014, one that is decidedly much bigger and more established with good project exposure (I work in the architectural industry).

Initial adaptation was quite rough. I was 28 with rambunctious ego and was used to being the big cheese, the big fish in a small pond, that it took a while for me to learn to be just one of the fish in the ocean. Thankfully, I was able to recognize that, while I might not be able to advance quite as fast in terms of career, this new company offered me the opportunity to learn the art of diplomacy, a skill that is very invaluable in life but doesn't come naturally to me.

As someone who is very direct by nature and nurture, and as someone who used to think that substance was the only thing that mattered, it has obviously been very difficult navigating this new environment where personal bias rules with an iron fist. I still fiercely believe in meritocracy but I've learned to appreciate that all roads lead to Rome, and that it doesn't always have to be 'my way or the highway'.

Now, after almost 4 years of journey with this company, I have resigned, yet again (more on this later). I'm very pleased with how much I've grown up in terms of emotional maturity but I felt like the time was up with this company and it was time for the next adventure.

Fino alla fine!
